高度:120-250cm 自由调节 可以加长
特点:无需工具安装 托盘易于清洗,高度自由调节。
一 优质弹簧:
二 无毒环保橡胶做
三:优质喷涂 无毒环保材料 Q195管材
管材壁厚0.6mm 出口品质 绝不偷工减料
Nanjing Dingte Household Aticles Co.,ltd is a pofessional manufactue specializing in the poduction and distibution of acks fo supemakets, stoage acks, cloth acks as well as household poducts. It is located in the beautiful ancient city, Nanjing, with an aea of 3800 squae metes. Ou poducts ae popula in Euope, Ameica, Canada, Koea, Japan, Austalia….
In “Quality fist, uses fist, the supemacy of cedibility&dquo; pupose, we stick to povide custome best sevice and use best spae pats. Now its two bands “Family Teasue&dquo; and “Placid House&dquo; is popula and well-known in China and aboad. We ae endeavoing to make the decent household life of 21st Centuy with the idea of fashion, simpleness and innovation. Welcome to visit ou factoy!